Curcumin offers a myriad of health benefits and while its benefits can be obtained by the frequent use of turmeric, it can also be found in form of supplements or even extracts in the most bio-available curcumin capsules. If you are still wondering what curcumin can do to your health, read below for a brief rundown of some of its benefits.
Improves brain health and function
Brain health and function is usually related to a growth hormone in the brain known as the Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF). Low levels of this hormone can cause dementia-related diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease, etc. Curcumin extracts help to increase the amount of the BDNF in the brain which in turn reverses or delays brain and age-related diseases. This ameliorates brain function and as well, helps to improve memory.
Contains anti-inflammatory properties
Curcumin is said to block a molecule known as the NF-kB, which attacks the cell’s nuclei and starts fighting the genes responsible for inflammation. This molecule is also known as one of the biggest causes of chronic diseases. Curcumin is considered a superior anti-inflammatory whose efficacy levels that of anti-inflammatory drugs, only without the negative side effects they exhibit. Inflammation is an extremely important part of your body and without it, pathogens would freely wade through and take over the body, deteriorating it.
Remedies gastrointestinal disorders
When suffering from Irritable Bowel Syndrome, curcumin can help relax sphincters and muscles in the intestinal system and this, in turn, soothes spasms and relieves flatulence. While Irritable Bowel Syndrome is not linked to inflammation, curcumin contains carminative properties which are responsible for ameliorating the condition. The anti-inflammatory properties in curcumin help to remedy different gastrointestinal disorders by increasing the mucous production which helps to protect the lining of the stomach. Some of these disorders include Dyspepsia, Peptic ulcer disease, and diverticular disease.
Lowers the risk of heart diseases
Curcumin has been proved to lower the risk of heart disease, which is among the deadliest diseases there are. Major blame of the cause of heart disease has been pointed to endothelium, which is the lining of blood vessels. When the endothelium is not functioning properly, then it is incapable of controlling blood clot, blood pressure, and other factors associated with heart disease. Curcumin helps to improve function of the endothelium and helps to reverse some factors and processes that cause heart disease.
Helps fight depression
Independent studies have been carried out to prove the health benefits that curcumin has against depression. In one study, 60 people suffering from depression were divided into three groups, and the first group was given both curcumin and Prozac, while the second and third groups were given one gram of curcumin and Prozac respectively. Results revealed that the first group had better progress than the second and third who fared equally. This proved that the efficacy of curcumin was relatively similar to that of antidepressants. Also, low levels of the Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor have been linked to depression. Curcumin helps to increase the amount of BDNF in the brain and this help to fight chances of depression.