Exercise and bonding among dogs and their owners are essential to a dog’s health. Dog parks offer a wide open, clean space for the dogs to play off-leash. Some might consider dog parks to be a luxury rather than a necessity. But if you really want your dog to interact and bond with other dogs, and to be able to play with your dog in an open space, you might consider going to a dog park. But not all neighborhoods have dog parks. So here are five tips on building a dog park in your community.
1. Location
Before setting up a dog park, you need to find an appropriate space where dogs can run freely. An ideal space would be a large, open area away from noisy and busy areas of your community. If you prefer a grassy area, make sure that the grasses are thick, healthy, and well-maintained. You can also consider constructing one in an area with small hills or slopes. The size of your dog park will depend on the size of your community, but it must be accessible to other dog owners as well.
2. Budget
You need to account all the expenses needed for the dog park, including the surface, fences, lighting, water fountains, pet waste removal services, benches, labor, and regular maintenance costs. Make sure that building a dog park is financially feasible. But you don’t always need to shoulder all the expenses. You can ask your town management or other dog owners to sponsor or donate funds for the dog park since it will be beneficial for everyone in the community.
3. Design
Though not necessary, you can add a theme or brand to your dog park to make it more unique compared to other dog parks. You can apply these themes to your entrance signage, gates, and fences, which are essential. Fences must be around five feet to prevent the dogs from jumping over the fences and escaping. Small and large dogs are usually separated by a fence, but these are optional. Signages containing your dog park’s rules and regulations must also be posted all around the park. These will ensure the safety of the dogs and owners. You also need to design a comprehensive pet waste management plan and hire professional pet waste removal services.
You might also consider planting trees and adding benches to your dog park to provide shade and comfort for dogs and owners. Expensive fountains and hedges are also recommended but optional.
4. Amenities
You need to have different amenities, equipment, and toys for your dogs such as frisbees, tennis balls, and ropes. You also need to consider the comfort of owners attending the dog park, so it will be best to provide separate water fountains for owners and dogs. High-low water fountains are available for dog parks. Avoid using large buckets of water for the dogs as they may become breeding grounds of mosquitoes or a means to spread diseases among the dogs.
You may check out a collection of the best dog park equipment at https://pdplay.com/dog-park/.
5. Publicity
What’s the use of a community dog park without other dogs and owners? You need to advertise and publicize your dog park in the community via posters and social media. You can also ask for assistance from your town hall to encourage dog owners within your community to visit the park. Door-to-door publicity can also be effective in small communities.
In the end, building a dog park in your community may be tiring and a bit expensive, but it can surely help improve the health and well-being of your dogs and the members of your community.
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Photo Credit: PD Play