Sometimes the unexpected happens and you conceive a child. It could be with a loved one or someone you just met. It is hard to predict the exact moment that will guarantee that a child is conceived. Those who want to conceive the most often have a hard time doing so which can be devastating and hard to understand. You can do everything just right and still not have success which can be hard to comprehend. Meanwhile, there are so many others who accidentally get pregnant and this is hard to understand as well. While it is almost impossible to predict when it is the right moment to conceive, we will offer some helpful tips in this article that can help you on this journey.
Visit your doctor to help plan for a healthy pregnancy. Before you conceive, visit your primary care doctor and talk with them about your fertility goals. They can help you plan and tell you what to do that will help you have success. They may also prescribe you potent prenatal vitamins that can help your body prepare for conception.
Determine when you ovulate during your cycle. Start to pay attention to your cycle. There are many free apps that allow you to try your cycle and they will also alert you to when may be the ideal time to conceive. While apps may not be 100% perfect, it is still helpful to track and the longer you do, the more accurate the app will become.
Engage in sexual intercourse at the right time. Having sexual intercourse is a lot of fun and should be done as often as possible. When it comes to the 11-13 day of your cycle, you will want to participate in sexual activity as this is typically the time in which your body will release a fertile egg.
Take vitamins. Most doctors recommend that you take prenatal vitamins even before you are pregnant as this will help your body prepare for carrying a child. Your body needs certain vitamins to help with a baby’s brain development and growth. A vitamin that offers DHA, omega-3s, and folic acid are recommended.
Try really hard not to stress about it. This is the hardest tip of them all. How does one not stress about the most important part of their life? How can one take a relaxed approach to something they want so dearly? It can be very hard. What can make it even tougher is when early signs of pregnancy are there such as a late period or what seems to be implantation bleeding only to find out that you are not pregnant after all. It can be hard not to obsess over symptoms or stress that it may never happen. The best thing to do is to try to relax and allow things to happen naturally. Believe you will become pregnant. Allow your body time and space to conceive and have fun trying. This can be so hard but you can do it!
Disclosure: Guest Post
Photo Credit: Check Pregnancy