I was contacted about a very important issue……
Somehow, Santa sent his letter to Abby to the wrong address. The problem is, we do not know Abby’s last name or correct address. The only thing we know is that there is an Abby in Victoria, BC Canada who wrote to Santa and yes Abby, Santa wrote back, but the letter was sent to the wrong house.
There has been a write up in the Times Colonist about Abby’s lost Santa Letter.
We would really like to see Abby get her letter. Since a the person who accidentally received Abby’s letter from Santa contacted us, we have been heartbroken that Abby might not get her letter from Santa.
So, if you are reading this and know of an Abby in Victoria, BC Canada who wrote to Santa and is still waiting for her Canada Post letter from Santa to get delivered to her, please let us know about it.
You can contact Times Colonist at lo*******@ti***********.com
Or you can let us know and we will try to help get Abby’s letter to Abby in**@ex**********.ca
The story of Abby’s lost Santa Letter is supposedly going to be featured on Check 6 News tonight at 5:00pm Pacific Time.
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