I love finding new and amazing products and I have certainly found one here with the Baby TripClip.
What is a Baby TripClip? Well the Baby TripClip website claims that it is an all in one diaper bag essential and I think that this is a complete understatement. The Baby TripClip is so amazing in my opinion, that it is not just an essential item, it is a complete necessity in order to simplify your trips out and daily life with your little ones.
It is hard to tell from the first picture what the Baby TripClip looks like so here is a photo of just one of the 12 colors that it comes in.
I have girls so I picked one of my many favorite colors to show you 🙂 but there are 12 colors to help suit everyone’s taste and color scheme.
So what can this Baby TripClip do other than just about everything?
Well, it ranges in size from 10 inches to 16 inches when fully extended. It is rated for 0+ months. It has a safety clip that can be opened with one hand and does not snap shut so they are safer for little fingers.
With the Baby Tripclip you can create a shade for a stroller with a baby blanket, you can clip toys onto strollers and car seats, you can make a bib on the go, use it as a belt, clip something to a backpack and you can create a nursing cover that will not slip off of you. You can do so many things with a Baby TripClip and because of that, it makes life easier for you and your little one.
To be honest, I believe that the company is underselling the features of the Baby TripClip because they are awesome colors, patterns and so practical that even my 9 year old wants one for her backpack. She likes the idea of being able to clip something cool to her backpack with it, or even her sweater so she has less to carry.
I even like using the Baby TripClip for coupons when I am shopping. I bring my Baby TripClip with me and clip it onto my bag. As I have products that I am going to use a coupon for, I clip it with the Baby TripClip on the other end and when I get to the cash I have all the coupons I am going to use clipped and ready to go. No more shuffling around in pockets or pouches trying to remember which coupons I am using.
I really could go on forever about how the Baby TripClip can be used, but I know that everyone is wanting to enter the contest so here is how you enter:
The contest is open to residents of Canada & the USA. The contest will close on August 12th, 2011 at 11:59pm Pacific Time.
To enter:
1. Leave me a comment on how you would use your Baby TripClip if you had one. This will get you your first entry into the contest. You can only do this once.
2. Like Baby TripClip on Facebook. Then come back and leave a separate comment letting me know that you liked them and this will give you another entry into the contest.
3. Like MomMomOnTheGo on Facebook. Then come back and leave a separate comment letting me know that you like us for another entry.
4. Share the contest on Facebook or Twitter. You can share the contest as much as you like, but you can only leave one separate, daily comment to count as an additional daily entry.
The winner will be able to choose the pattern of their choice. Remember that the winner will receive a Baby TripClip. The prize cannot be exchange for any other item nor is cash an option.
The winner will be picked randomly by “And The Winner Is” and notified by email. The winner will have 24 hours to respond from the sent time of the winning email. The winner will be required to provide their choice of Baby TripClip, their name and mailing address so that the prize can be delivered to them.
Good Luck
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