One of the most popular pass times these days involves us being in front of the computer. I know as a mom blogger, a lot of my spare time is in front of my computer. Even when I am not writing reviews and putting the best giveaways out there up on my website, my favorite pass time is still to be browsing the internet. I love being on the internet, looking for deals, new items and products and of course being on Social Media.
Break Pal knows that a lot of us these days are in front of our computers and probably not getting enough breaks, movement, stretching and exercise.
No Time To Exercise?
Then DeskerciseDesk Exercises let you get in Shape Right at Your Desk!
Get the Same Results as if You Drove to the Gym every Day and did a 45 minute Aerobics Class. (Without driving to the gym or spending 45 minutes)
Have better mental clarity throughout the day
Get more done
Avoid desk related health problems
All with a very simple idea. Office safe exercises delivered right to your desktop
Discover The Fastest, Easiest, Most Convenient Way To Get Into Fantastic Physical And Mental Shape.No, it won’t cut into your time. It’ll give you more of it.
Break Pal has Office Yoga, Desk Yoga, Cardio Kung Fu and Qi Gong.
I have to admit that I am pretty bad at taking breaks. With Break Pal, you can set your interval reminder that tells you when it is time to take a break. You can customize the settings for what works for you. The goal is to pay attention to the notifications when they pop up. You have to commit to taking the Break Pal break when it is time to do so.
If you are a boss or company, you can get the program for your office and all employees. You can Contact Break Pal for your company trial.
Break Pal has a Free version and the upgraded version. The difference between the two versions is that in the upgraded version there are more exercises available for the user. It is pretty great that Break Pal offers the free version so that you can try it out before committing to purchasing anything.
Here is a chart that shows the associated costs for the upgraded version of Break Pal.
With my bad back, it is pretty important that I stretch and move around, but I have to admit, I have a really hard time stopping what I am doing and stretching. It is good to have a reminder for sure, but as I said above, you have to commit to listening to the reminder when it pops up. No saying I just need to finish this, or I will do it in a few minutes. If you can commit, to listening to the reminders, you will get stretching and moving regularly and at an interval that works for you as per the settings you choose.
You can stay connected with Break Pal on their Blog, Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest pages.
Break Pal wants to offer a fan of MomMomOnTheGo a free one year upgraded premium Break Pal account. This giveaway is open to residents of Canada and the US who are over the age of 18 and where permitted by local laws to enter and win giveaways. Please ensure you read all the terms and conditions found at the bottom of the Rafflecopter entry form.
Disclosure: MomMomOnTheGo was provided product for the purpose of conducting this review. As always, MomMomOnTheGo only supports companies and products that she loves. All opinions expressed herein are those of MomMomOnTheGo.