In the spirit of the season, MomMomOnTheGo and crew headed out to Capliano Suspension Bridge, Canyon Lights last night to enjoy the spectacular attraction.
Capilano Suspension Bridge Park’s popular holiday event Canyon Lights is now on November 29th – January 3rd (closed December 25th). Guests will be dazzled by hundreds of thousands of lights illuminating the entire park! Canyon Lights tickets are valid all day with holiday activities beginning at 4pm.
Upon entering the park make sure to pick up your map as on it there is a place to collect a number of stamps throughout the park. The stamps are pretty awesome in that they are impression, seal type stamps, not ink stamps. My kids love going from station to station to collect the stamps. We got them all this time around. The last time we were at the Capilano Suspension Bridge there were crazy line ups for the Cliff Walk so we missed that one. My kids were pretty psyched that they collected all the stamps this time.
There is another fun task with Canyon Lights…..Make sure to count the owls created out of lights in the trees throughout the park. When you exit the park, you put your answer into a box to be entered in a draw for a chance to win a prize.
I am never sure which side of the wonderful suspension bridge I love most. Upon entering there are so many lights and wonderful artifacts to see. I love being among them so much. There are a ton of places for photo opportunities.
I also love the Trading Post. The Trading Post has wonderful items at great prices. My mom and dad were with us, and he found the hats that he loves to wear at half the cost that he usually sees them for. You have to venture to the back of the store to the fudge. You will want to bring a bit of their delectable fudge home with you. We did. 🙂
Just beside the Trading Post is the entrance to the Cliff Walk. We actually ended up doing the Cliff Walk last, and we loved it. It is pretty impressive to be so high up and to see the cliff to your right. There are many resting spots for those that may need a wee bit of a rest. They also act as lookout spots for you to take a look around the wonderful scenery and lights.
Of course one of the highlights of the attraction is the amazing suspension bridge itself. It is nicely lit with Christmas lights at this time of year and they make the venture across pretty breathtaking.
Once across the suspension bridge you can wander around Trout Lake and enjoy the beautiful lights.
Then there is the wonderful Treetop Adventure which all of us absolutely love. We just love walking up in the trees.
There are small cafes on both sides of the bridge. There are heaters and plenty of places to sit and enjoy your refreshment as well. So you really can take your time and even rest and rejuvenate if you need to. There is even Christmas music to help keep you in a festive spirit.
There are so many things that my family loved about the Capilano Suspension Bridge – Canyon Lights. It was pretty nice to see the perspective of the attraction from three generations of my family as my kids, us parents, and my parents went together.
The park is really set up to allow visitors of all ages enjoy themselves. We had an absolutely wonderful time and recommend that you make sure to put Canyon Lights on your to do list this holiday season.
You can explore more about the Capilano Suspension Bridge and Canyon Lights here:
Disclosure: MomMomOnTheGo was provided product for the purpose of conducting this review. As always, MomMomOnTheGo only supports companies, products, and services that she loves.