It is the holiday season again and so many of us are running around trying to find that perfect gift for our children. Thought of Barbie, My Little Pony to whatever toy is popular this year are going through our minds.
For us parents that are thinking of what toy we should purchase, we are lucky. There are many, many parent’s out there just hoping for a miracle, another day, or even a few more minutes with their child. There are parents out there wondering if their child will be still alive come Christmas Day.
I hope that everyone can take a moment to think, pray and even donate to the Children’s Wish Foundation to help support those parents and even more so the children that are experiencing the battles of their lives at this time of year.
As per the Children’s Wish Foundation Website:
“Every year, The Children’s Wish Foundation, BC/Yukon Chapter chooses a special child in need of some holiday magic. With just one phone call, click or lick of a stamp you can give a gift that will help make a child’s wish come true.
This year our wish child is 3 year old Kristina whose wish keeps her spirits strong and her outlook positive throughout all the difficult Leukemia treatments. Kristina, like most little girls, loves princesses, in particular Cinderella. Cinderella sheets wrapped her in comfort, and Princess Tea Parties helped coax her appetite back to life. Kristina has the heart of a lion, and is so brave her mother says she must have a lion living in her. But Kristina gives credit for getting better to the magic of Cinderella who was with her in hospital the whole time, and her most heartfelt wish is to see Cinderella in person at Disney World.
Instead of an office party or in lieu of other holiday gifts, please consider making a donation to The Children’s Wish Foundation and the Magic for Kristina fund. Or make it more fun by having a special day when your staff is encouraged to dress casually or to wear an ugly sweater in exchange for a donation to the Magic of Kristina. CLICK HERE to help us make the magic of a wish come true for Kristina this holiday season.”