To inspire Canadians to unbox something delicious, Kellogg’s All-Bran has partnered with three top Canadian chefs to create on-trend, restaurant-worthy comfort food dishes that include a surprising and healthy kick of fibre. Chef Craig Harding from Campagnolo (Toronto), Chef Connie DeSousa from Charcut (Calgary) and Chef Alexandre Gosselin from Chez Victoire (Montreal) are putting flavour and flare first with fifteen new high fibre recipes that are sure to impress.
The powerful health benefits of fibre are well documented. In fact, studies show that meeting the recommended daily intake of fibre can promote regularity, contribute to healthy cholesterol levels and even help to maintain a healthy body weight. Simply by adding a versatile ingredient like Kellogg’s All-Bran Buds cereal to your recipe repertoire, favourite fall recipes get an exciting fibre fix and a nutritious, delicious meal is within reach.
To see amazing recipes that you can a healthy kick of fiber, check out all the amazing recipes of the Kellogg’s All Bran Website. There are a ton of recipes on the All Bran website for everything from muffins and desserts to awesome dinners.
Here are a few of the recipes you can find over on the All Bran website to help get you inspired. 🙂
Yep all those recipes above all have a bit of All Bran in them to help keep healthy fiber in your diet.
For more inspiration, stop by the All Bran Pinterest board for more mouth watering recipes.
So pick up so All Bran Original Cereal or Buds Cereal and get inspired in the kitchen with some Comfort Food Moderne. 🙂
Disclosure: MomMomOnTheGo was provided product for the purpose of conducting this review. As always, MomMomOnTheGo only supports companies, products, and services that she loves.