While searching through one of my favorite online website, yes Crayola, I noticed that they have Play Sand. Their sand is not just any old play sand though! It comes in COLORS. It looks like it comes in blue, green, pink and purple. I love it.
The Crayola Play Sand is distributed by n2M Group Innovative Product Design & Distribution.
Apparently Crayola Play Sand is already available in the USA and has been for a few years. If you are in the USA you should be able to find Crayola Play Sand in Walmart and Toys R Us. If you are in Canada like me, well it is not here……YET! I called the n2M Group today and within five minutes I had a call back from one of their representatives. I was told that the Crayola Play Sand should be available at Toys R Us in Canada this summer. I cannot wait.
The representative from n2M Group told me she would call me back in about six weeks and update me on their status for distribution to Canada and which Toys R Us will carry it. So come back and I will update you as soon as I get more info.
All the reviews I have read about the Crayola Play Sand state that the color does not transfer onto clothes or skin. I also read a lot of reviews that state that the sand is one of the safest sands out there. I am not an expert in this though, so make sure you do your own research. Parent’s concerns around play sand usually have to do with asbestos and other fine particles that are found within the sand and can harm a child’s developing lungs. So as with anything else, make sure you do your own research and are happy with the product before you let your kids use it.
And remember, get a sandbox with a lid to keep the animals out of it. Here is the one we have and love.