Tomorrow June 20th, 2010 is Father’s Day. With the change over time in the structure of families, not every child has a father or mother present in their family. In these times, some families have one mother, or a father, step mothers, step fathers, two mothers, two fathers and the combination can go on and on.
No matter what your family structure looks like, we hope that you find a way to celebrate tomorrow. Celebrate your parents. Celebrate your family.
Happy parent’s day, father’s day and Happy Family Day to everyone for tomorrow. For those who might not have a father, don’t focus on what you do not have, Celebrate the family and support that you do have.
Here is a video that is done by a youngster and is pretty popular. It illustrates my point. There are kids out there who do not have a father around for whatever reason. Maybe they passed away, maybe they were just never known. Remember to celebrate what you have.
I still have my dad, so tomorrow I will be calling him to let him know just how important he is to me. My little one does not have a dad, so tomorrow we will be celebrating having parents. Make tomorrow a day to treasure what you have.