This Holiday Help Make a Difference.
When you make a treat with Rice Krispies cereal and upload a picture of it here, Kellogg’s will donate a real toy† to a less fortunate child.
†For every original photo of a treat uploaded to between October 1, 2013 – December 22, 2013, Kellogg will make a donation of $20 to The Salvation Army, up to a maximum of $30,000. The Salvation Army will use the donations to buy toys for children across Canada.
You can choose a recipe from the Rice Krispies website or choose to make your very own. Here are some on the website……
How about a Robot. I love this Robot and though this might be one of the easier ones to attempt to make. If you wish to try to make the Robot you can get the recipe and instructions HERE.
For all the girls, maybe a Princess?
I love the Princess and this will likely be the next one we attempt. To get the recipe and instructions visit the Rice Krispie’s website HERE.
Another great toy to make would be a Train. What Little One doesn’t love a train?!
To view the recipe and instructions to make the train visit the Rice Krispie’s website HERE.
If you need a bit more inspiration, you can visit the Gallery to see all the current submissions.
In our house we have two great ideas that we are going to try to make. Our first goal is to make a Hello Kitty full of pink icing, because my Little One is so crazy about Hello Kitty and pink. Our second idea was instead of making a gingerbread house this year for Christmas as we do every year, we will attempt to make a Rice Krispie’s Christmas House. Fingers crossed it turns out. Keep an eye on the Rice Krispie’s Gallery to see our creations/submissions.