I hate carrying a ton of keys around. It seems that keys are what weighs my bag down the most. So when I came across a product called KeySmart, I think I let out a tiny squeal of excitement and I knew right away that I had to check this product out and put it to the test.

KeySmart turns your bundle of keys into something a lot more contact. Each key folds in and out similar to bike tools or multi purpose tools that you see on the market.
My KeySmart is purple just as the one picture above. Actually my keys look almost identical to the image above including the type of car key fob I have on the end.
KeySmart does come in a ton of colors though so there will surely be one for every taste. There is red, black, blue, purple, green, silver, breast cancer awareness pink with symbol, yellow, and titanium.
There is also a number of models of the KeySmart. There is the KeySmart, KeySmart Extended, and KeySmart Titanium. There are also a number of accessories for the KeySmart products, such as expansion pack, USB drive, quick disconnect, bottle opener, and more…… You can check out all the accessories here.
So the first thing you need to decide is which KeySmart you need. If you have common sized keys, then you can go with the KeySmart. If you have any longer keys then you will need to move to the KeySmart Extended. The KeySmart Titanium will adapt to longer keys as well, but is Titanium.
All the KeySmart models come with the loop on the end for car keys. I love the loop, but honestly I would love an option to have a loop on both ends because we have two cars and two sets of car keys I need to lug around. One way around this is to get a quick connect. With the quick connect you can clip on anything you need, such as the extra car keys I have. I do love the quick connect as it lets me leave the car running while I take the rest of my keys off to check the mail.
The KeySmart itself is smaller than a pack of gum. It gets a bit bigger and longer with adding the bulky car key fobs we have these days. No way around that one though. It is super easy to put together too.
I love my KeySmart and so far everyone that has seen my KeySmart asks me where I got it and loves it.
I totally recommend checking out KeySmart. If you are getting one, I recommend you get a quick connect and an extension package so you are ready should your keys ever need to expand.
I have to admit that I went from a key ring that was so bulky and weighed down my bag, to a KeySmart that I actually have trouble finding in my bag because it is so small. I love it.
Another tip, you can save 15% off your KeySmart order if you sign up to their mailing list.
You can check out more about everything KeySmart here….
Disclosure: MomMomOnTheGo was provided product for the purpose of conducting this review. As always, MomMomOnTheGo only supports companies, products, and services that she loves.