Do your little one’s believe in monsters? Are they afraid of monsters under their bed and in their closet?
When I was young I was afraid of monsters. I was nervous that something was under my bed every night. I used to sleep with the blankets pulled right up and wrapped all around my neck in order to help protect myself and ward of any monster attacks. I would be sooooooo bundled up that I would get too hot and that is when I would start sleep walking. Arg! I still remember the fear I had as a kid when it came to monsters and I have never wanted my little one to feel the fear I used to feel.
Happily, my little one does not believe in monsters. I always made sure to tell her that monsters are not real. Anytime in the past that anything negative about monsters came up, I used to refer to Elmo and ask her is she was afraid of him because he was a little red monster. With the Disney Pixar Monsters University movie, I had more examples of monsters that were silly and even cute as part of my arsenal for helping to create a positive picture of “monsters” for my little one. How can you not love cute little Mike and big cuddly Sulley.
We even went to see the Monsters University movie and my little one just loves all the monster characters. We love Art, the funny shaped purple guy and of course my little one loves the girl monsters.
You can imagine our delight when two companies we love in my household, Kinder Canada and Disney Pixar, teamed up to create Kinder Surprise eggs with Monsters University toys inside.
We have opened a number of Monsters University Kinder Surprise eggs and have been thrilled with the toys. The greatest thing about the specially marked Monsters University Kinder Surprise eggs, is that every single one of them have a Monsters University toy inside.
Our favorite Monsters University toy so far are the little figurines. My little one was able to remember each and every character from seeing the movie and was excited with each one she received. I am happy to report that we did get a Mike and a Sulley figurine which are probably the fan favorite.
Now in our household, we can create our own little monster movies of our own with our Monsters University Kinder Canada toys.
One thing that I have to applaud Kinder Canada for is always creating awesome toys inside their Kinder Surprise Eggs. I find that even when my little one gets a Kinder Surprise toy that she already has, that she is just as thrilled to receive the same one again. The toys are so unique and appealing to kids of all ages 🙂
I would be missing a lot if I did not mention how much we love Kinder Surprise chocolate. We are going camping in a couple of days and I will be sneaking some along with us for wonderful toy surprised and delicious chocolate for our S’mores. I cannot wait.
If you want to be one of the first to know what theme will be coming to Kinder Surprise Eggs, you can make sure to stay in the know by following Kinder Canada on Facebook. Kinder Canada always displays their Toy Collections on their Facebook page for you to vote on the ones you love the best.
Remember to check out the Monsters University website.
Disclosure: I’m part of the KINDER® Mom program and I receive special perks as part of my affiliation with this group. The opinions on this blog are my own.