We’ve undoubtedly learned that bullying is pervasive in our culture; but with a spotlight on the issue, efforts have begun to improve conditions and even help save the lives of the one in four kids in the U.S. bullied on a regular basis.
But, while we help protect the victims, what if a major solution went beyond punishing the bullies, by giving them new life skills that prevents the offense before it ever occurs?
Just in time for Back-to-School, and National Bullying Prevention Awareness Month (October), recent studies that will be of interest to your readers show promising improvements and opportunities to change the lives of bullies too, helping foster a more positive, encouraging and affirming growth environment for all.
This research presented in the September/October issue of Live Happy magazine, shares this new, holistic perspective to addressing this damaging cultural issue, speak on this recent research, as well as tips such as:
• A Sustainable Solution: Creating psychological and emotional assets to grow emotionally and advance personally without having to bully others to feel fulfilled.
• In the Classroom – Well-Being 101: Research shows that teaching students life skills (such as leadership) can decrease forms of aggression and violence, thus diminishing bullying and improving overall well-being.
o Studies also show putting an emphasis on fostering relationships and educating students themselves on these motivations behind bullying has decreased the rate of incidents.• Turn the Tables: Change the lens through which they are viewed; when bullies are aware of their own challenges and areas for growth it turns the focus on them and discourages such behavior.
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