MomMomOnTheGo and family have been working hard at living more green. Our journey was set off not only for a love of our planet but also because my Little One has horrible eczema and we just needed to explore ways to stop her suffering.
So over a year ago now, we began using a PureWash Pro to do our laundry. Here is our original article when we first started to use our PureWash Pro. Now, a year later, I want to provide you how PureWash Pro has impacted our life.
But what is a PureWash Pro for those that are hearing about it for the first time? Well, watch this video to get in the know….
So one year later, I can tell you that we are still in love with our PureWash Pro. I have absolutely no doubt that our unit has paid for itself more than once already. In a household of six people, not counting all the furry children that also create laundry, our machines are running full steam ahead pretty much non-stop. So we have not only saved in laundry soap costs by almost entirely eliminating laundry soap, but we have saved money by using cold water for all washes.
We do put a dab of laundry soap in certain loads such as those really sweaty sports clothes and with bath towels. But when we do put a pinch of laundry soap, we make sure to use an all natural soap. Our laundry soap goes so far because we don’t use it in loads very often. I cannot even remember the last time we purchased laundry soap!
The best thing of all is that my Little One’s eczema is totally under control. We almost forget that she has eczema unless something else triggers it. The laundry no longer triggers her eczema though, like it used to. With the laundry soap out of the loads, she no longer has the chemical irritants on her skin from soap.
I can report as well that with our crazy amount of laundry we do and over a year later, that we still have not needed to change our cartridge. The blue pellets inside the cartridge are just starting to have one here and there losing the color and looking like they are thinking about transitioning pink, but overall, it is pretty much all blue still.
I know one question I had when I first started using PureWash Pro was how often I would have to change the cartridges, but I am beyond pleased with how long the cartridges last. I do have a cartridge on hand waiting to be inserted when needed and changing the cartridges are easy to do. Just pull out the left side door and it slips in there.
My family fell in love so much with our PureWash Pro that it intrigued my parents and they installed one in their home as well. To read more about this adventure you can read the original article here.
I would always have a PureWash Pro from now on. We are so happy to have it and to not only be more green but to be saving money and eliminating eczema for my Little One.
I highly suggest that you check out PureWash Pro. They are available in Canada and the USA. You can find Canadian Distributors on the Low Environmental Impact Technology website.
To answer any questions that you may have, check out the Low Environmental Impact Technology FAQ Page.
You can also find out more about PureWash Pro by visiting them here…..
LEIT Website
Disclosure: MomMomOnTheGo was provided product for the purpose of conducting this review. As always, MomMOmOnTheGo only supports companies, products, and services that she loves.
Photo Credits: LEIT