You may find yourself in the situation of having to reduce your budget in every aspect of your life. Whether to accomplish those savings goals or to complete a big payment in the next month, regardless of the reason, one of the hardest budgets to reduce is food. This one is so hard because it not only affects our happiness but it is also a crucial part of our health. You have … [Read more...] about 5 Tips to feeding your family on a budget
5 Ways to Enjoy Time with Your Family While Staying on A Budget
There’s a lot of benefits to spending quality time with your family. As a parent, you work 40-45 hours a week and as much as you like, you don’t get to spend a lot of time with your kids. Having a day or two out of a busy week doing fun activities with your family can really help strengthen the bond and keep everyone updated on what’s going on with their lives. Doing fun … [Read more...] about 5 Ways to Enjoy Time with Your Family While Staying on A Budget