I just read an article that discussed the desire for parents to have the perfect, brightest, most skilled child. It was an interesting read and made me reflect on my parenting style. I will not talk for everyone else here, as I have no place to. I will discuss my thoughts and experiences.
I remember as a child that I was always really bright and often found school very easy. School was easy to the point that I was often bored. It did not challenge me much. In sports I was always good at just about anything I tried. In life, I have made many accomplishments as an adult. I feel proud of myself and accomplished.
I know that as a child my parents provided me with excellent support. I was not forced to do anything. I was encouraged to explore the things that interested me. I was encouraged and expected to do my best no matter what my best was. If my best was a C+ in a subject, then my parents were as proud of the C+ as they were of the A+’s that I got. I believe to this day, that my parents’ attitude helped me be as successful as humanly possible. Their parenting attitude relieved pressure from home to excel and succeed and gave me the freedom to be the best I could be and to just be myself.
I learned a lot from my parents’ parenting style. I too expect only what my daughter is capable of. I am proud of her for every accomplishment no matter how big or small or how long it took her to learn.
My daughter is just a toddler. Last night she counted to ten for the first time and only missed the number 7. Yes, I think that is an awesome accomplishment. I am very proud of her. However, on the other side, she still is not potty trained. Although I would love to save money on diapers, I know that she is not ready to use the potty yet. I know that she will eventually use the potty. We will get there and I think it will happen sooner if I pressure her less.
I am so proud of my daughter for who she is and what she accomplishes. I believe that as a parent, my job is to expose my daughter to as many experiences in life, so that she can find her own loves and place in life. I hope that through my guidance she can become the best she can be. I want her to feel fulfilled in life and to love life and who she is.
I thank my parents for being supportive of whom I wanted to be. Sometimes it was not easy for them, but no matter what, they supported me for who I was and am. It was their undying commitment to support me in whatever made me happy, that made me successful and truly happy in life and with myself. I promise to parent my daughter the same way.