We have been checking out the various collectible toy products on the market lately and one really intrigued me for many reasons…..this one is called The Grossery Gang. Yep, that name is correct and I did not make a typo. 🙂
The Grossery Gang is a collectible series of figurines and products that are basically groceries gone bad. When I first thought of the product my reaction was ewwww. I was not sure what my 9 year old girl would think of The Grossery Gang. My multitude of wondering made me very excited to put the products out on the counter and wait, to see the reaction.
It took no time at all for my Little One to notice the new products on the counter and to get really excited about another collectible type set. I was pleasantly surprised by the squeals of excitement and the “MomMom, look there is a fly in this ice cube. Check out the mold on this.” Before I knew it, the packaging was opened and The Grossery Gang was being played with.
Right now Season One, or what they call First Delivery is available in The Grossery Gang collectible series. As with many of the collectible type toys, there is a mystery unit in the packaging which I find always gets the kids so excited. They just cannot wait to find out what that mystery one is. Do they have it? Is it ultra rare?
Oh yes, and just like other collectible sets, the collectible pieces are ranked as to whether they are common all the way up to ultra rare. So finding and ultra rare piece is like hitting the jackpot.
If you read my reviews regularly, then you probably already know that I am a fan of the collectible toys. I find they intrigue kids quite quickly and get them excited to complete their collection. This excitement can lead to setting goals for saving money towards their next purchase. I also find that these collections are great for children learning to track and document the ones they have and the ones they need. They quickly learn the value in the hard to find ultra rare ones. Learning that something has more value then makes them learn about the value of a piece when doing tradzies. There is no way an ultra rare is being traded for a common one in our house. 🙂
Of course, The Grossery Gang also taps into imaginative play which I love. The imaginative play with The Grossery Gang can get pretty awesome and well, gross. 🙂
The Grossery Gang has a number of products from small packages with just a couple of figurines, larger packaged of figurines, and play sets.
We checked out one of the larger packages of figurines and a play set that is called Mushy Slushie.
The Mushy Slushie is like a slushie drink container and it comes with 4 Grossery Gang collectibles inside. What I like about the Mushy Slushie is that it can provide a place for storage of the collection inside the cup.
My Little One ended up loving The Grossery Gang. This is another collectible set that gets mileage especially when friends come over. My Little One loves showing everyone her collection especially the ice cubes with the bugs in them.
You can find The Grossery Gang at your local Toys R US and probably in any local store that carries toy products. I have seen them popping up all over.
To check out more on The Grossery Gang, visit them here…
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Disclosure: MomMomOnTheGo was provided product for the purpose of conducting this review. As always, MomMomOnTheGo only supports companies, products, and services that she loves.